AllElectricRC was started by Tony and his son Anthony Hill, along with Ian and wife, Undra Astbury. The company was formed in January 2004. As part of Tony Hill Models original located in Talke Pits. After many years running the business Tony retired and now the business is solely run by Anthony Hill. In 2016 we moved from our original shop in Talke Pits to a new shop in Kidsgrove we have grown our product range since this move.
We have always offered more than just electric flight and moving into the new shop we have been able to add even more products and stock. As fellow modellers, we are dedicated to bringing top quality RC products to our customers. With our wealth of knowledge and an experience in radio control models, we hope to promote the hobby to all. We have secured several key suppliers, with many new suppliers on the way. We are continually inquiring and pursuing main manufacturers for direct supply of all components relating to model products, and as such our stock list is growing constantly. Make sure to check back for our latest products.